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Baby 4-12 Months

SCHEDULE: (4-6 months), NO SOLIDS. 4 naps. 7a-7(730)p. 90 minutes of wakefulness throughout the day.


Wake time and bedtime should be 12-12.5 hours apart. Feeding should happen every 2.5-3 hours and naps every 90 minutes. If you wish to have an earlier or later wake time, please adjust naptime/bedtime and scheduling increments accordingly. 


  • The cycle should be WAKE, FEED, PLAY, SLEEP. 

  • 7 am: Wake, Change diaper, Feed (Breast or Bottle). This can be done in the rocker in the bedroom or anywhere that is dark and quiet to ensure there is no distraction with the feed.

    • If breastfeeding, offer the breast. You have the option of offering pumped breast milk after nursing so that you are sure the baby is full.

    • If offering formula as supplementation, offer the formula after nursing or bottle-feeding breastmilk.

    • If exclusively offering formula, make sure the baby is taking the required amount and offer more if needed every 20 minutes until the full amount is ingested. 

    • You can do this for every feed below. Feed indicates bottle or breastfeeding, no solids. 

    • If the child doesn't feed well here, then continue to offer breastmilk/formula for the next 90 minutes, to ensure a good feed, don't feed to sleep. Stop feeding at least 30 minutes before sleep time, if possible. 

    • Play.   

  • 830 am: Nap #1

  • 10 am:  Wake, Feed, Never wake from naps unless it has been 4 hrs since the last feed.

  • 1130 am: Nap #2

  • 1 pm: Wake, Feed, Play. 

  • 230 pm: Nap#3.  

  • 4 pm: Wake, Feed. Play. 

  • 530 pm: Nap#4.  

  • 6 pm: Wake (after only 30 minutes), Feed. 

  • 630pm: +/-Bath, +/- Massage before pajamas, +/- Massage after pajamas. Feed, Brush. Always brush teeth/gums after feeding (this is healthy for your baby’s gums and also will ensure that the child doesn't fall asleep while feeding.

  • DON'T FEED IN BEDROOM (or where they will be sleeping) BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP. FEED IN ANOTHER PART OF THE HOUSE. This is to avoid any connection with feeding and sleep. It is ok to feed in the room upon waking but not before sleep times. 

  • 7 pm: Bedtime routine: Draw curtains closed, turn on the sound machine, sit in a chair, read a book, give paci, turn on night light, turn off the overhead light, sing a song, OK to rock until a little drowsy. 

  • 730pm: Sleep. 

  • 930pm: Dream Feed. You can attempt a ‘dream feed’ at this time (or whatever time you go to bed) where you pick up the baby, wake slightly, feed, burp, change the baby's diaper if needed, and put it back down. This may help alleviate the early am wake-ups. I would only recommend trying this now to help increase the total daytime calories but once you start sleep training, these feeds should be eliminated as well. If you are noticing that doing this dream feed does not affect early am wake ups, in that your baby wakes up anyway, eliminate this feed. If they have taken an adequate amount during the day, then this feed will not be needed. 


Schedule: (6-12 months) WITH SOLIDS, 3 naps. This schedule is similar to the one above with the exception of included SOLIDS and a 3hr wakeful period in the evening. 


Wake time and bedtime should be 12 hours apart. Feeding should happen every 2.5-3 hours and naps every 90 minutes with the exception of the last nap until bedtime which should be 3 hours. If you wish to have an earlier or later wake time, please adjust naptime/bedtime and scheduling increments accordingly. 


  • The cycle should be  WAKE, EAT, PLAY, SLEEP. 

  • 7 am: Wake, Change diaper, Feed (Breast or Bottle). This can be done in the rocker in the bedroom or anywhere to ensure there is no distraction with the feed.

    • If breastfeeding, offer the breast. You have the option of offering pumped breast milk after nursing so that you are sure the baby is full.

    • If offering formula as supplementation, offer the formula after nursing or bottle-feeding breastmilk.

    • If exclusively offering formula, make sure the baby is taking the required amount and offer more if needed every 20 minutes until the full amount is ingested. 

    • You can do this for every feed below. Feed indicates bottle or breastfeeding, no solids. 

      • Solids will be indicated as ‘Solids’. 

      • If the child doesn't feed (breast or bottle feed) well here, then continue to offer breastmilk/formula for the next 90 minutes, to ensure a good feed, don't feed to sleep. 

    • Play.   

  • 830 am: Nap #1.

  • 10 am: Wake, Feed, Never wake from naps unless it has been 4 hrs since the last feed.

  • 1030 am: Solids (all meals and snacks at the table). Remember, breastmilk/formula, at this age, is the primary source of nutrition, food is secondary.

  • 1130 am: Nap #2. 

  • 1 pm: Wake, Feed, Play

  • 2 pm: Solids here once closer to 9 mo of age. 

  • 230 pm: Nap#3. 

  • 4 pm: Wake, Feed. Play. 

  • 530 pm: Dinner (solids). Start solids initially once /day at 6 mo then progress to 3 meals by 9 months. But still, remember that formula is the primary source of nutrition until a year of age. 

  • 6 pm: Bottle, +/-Bath, Brush, +/- Massage, Put on pajamas, +/- Massage after pj’s on. You can also feed breastmilk/formula after the bath and again right before bed but always brush teeth/gums after feeding.

  • 630pm: Bedtime routine: Draw curtains closed, turn on the sound machine, sit in the rocker, read a book, give paci, turn on night light, turn off the overhead light, sing a song in the rocker, OK to rock till a little drowsy. 

  • 7 pm: Sleep. 

  • 9 pm: Dream feed. Consider a feed here if you can't eliminate the early am feeds by increasing daily calories. This is where you get your baby while they are sleeping, wake slightly, feed, change, if needed, and put back down. If you are noticing that doing this dream feed does not affect early am wake ups, in that your child wakes up anyway, eliminate this feed. If your child has taken in 30-35 oz total during the day, then they will not need this feed either. 

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